Example WPF project using C# .NET Core 6.0
Getting Started
This is just the start of the project. Much of the work can be seen on github.
- Create a .NET Core WPF application
- Create a folder in the project called "Database"
Add the BibleBeliefs.DB file to the new "Database" folder.
- Set the file to be copied to the output folder if newer.
Add the following nuget packages:
PM> Scaffold-DbContext "DataSource=.\DataBase\BibleBeliefs.db;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SQLite -OutputDir "Database" -ContextDir "Database"
Add a Data Context to the xaml
Add a namespace for the ViewModels directory
1 xmlns:viewmodels="clr-namespace:BibleBeliefs.ViewModels"
Add the Data Context
Adding Data to the application
Now add the Grid
1 <Grid>
2 <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
3 <ColumnDefinition Width="250" />
4 <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
5 </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
6 <Grid.RowDefinitions>
7 <RowDefinition />
8 </Grid.RowDefinitions>
9 <DataGrid Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"
10 ItemsSource="{Binding Topics}"
11 AutoGenerateColumns="False"
12 SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTopic}">
13 <DataGrid.Columns>
14 <DataGridTextColumn Header="Topic" Binding="{Binding Topic}" Width="*"/>
15 </DataGrid.Columns>
16 </DataGrid>
17 </Grid>